TFGAF Amy Rose updated to fix unedited from template low gethit hurtboxes.īecause Sonic Origins Plus was released few days ago, Amy Rose in TFGAF-style is now available. 'If you're gonna remake your Sonic, then hold my beer, AngryBirdCooler.' TFGAF Amy Rose has been also updated just to change her country from 'Unknown' to 'SEGA Land' (because Sonic franchise is owned by Sega anyway). My own take on TFGAF-styled Sonic has been released. Actually, I let ABC make his own Knuckles instead.
Will I make my own TFGAF-styled Knuckles or I'll let ABC to make his own TFGAF-styled Knuckles remake, well, I'm not really sure. I also updated TFGAF-styled Sonic as well. However, instead of taking ripped sprites like I did with Amy and Sonic, most of sprites were taken from ssonic's Tails, similar to how AngryBirdCooler used ssonic's Knuckles sprites for his TFGAF-styled Knuckles. Now what's next, YTM's TFGAF DLC Pack Patch? (yes, it will require Joey Faust's all four DLC Pack Patches and ABC's two DLC Pack Patches) Now I added announcer voice saying ' Wins!' All of my TFGAF-styled characers have been updated.